Friday, January 21, 2011

Danger Ranger

So, today was my day off. I decided to go get a trim of a haircut. There was this place that had a coupon in the mail for a 6.99 haircut. And thought, what harm could a person do with a trim and clean-up? I was tempted to go a little more complicated but decided that may not be in my best interest with a place like that.

Anyway, on my way to this hair place, I was crossing the street to get to the other side and there was this older gentlemen (probs in his 70s) there. He looked like he was going to cross to my side of the street but stopped when I got to his side. And thus he began talking to me. I decided to stop cause he looked like he just wanted someone to talk to. So, we talked about the weather for a bit. I mean what else to two strangers talk about really? And then he asked me if I was going home. I said I was going to the plaza. I then asked him if he was going home. He replied yes. So, I decided that was a good time to be on my way and say farewell. So, I said have a good evening at home and keep warm! And as I was about to go on my way, he said he was going to make coffee and that I could come over and have some.

OK, so please don't judge me but my first thought was "DANGER!" I would now like to blame Melody and Sarah for this reaction. An entire episode of Criminal Minds went through my head in 2 seconds! I thought boy, he is the bait for me to go somewhere with him while some other men are waiting for me to come.

And thus, I find it a little sad because maybe he really was just a lonely old man who wanted company while he drank coffee. But then, maybe he wasn't. I hope he found company and didn't have to drink his coffee alone. And if he was a bad man, then ha! I outsmarted you!

Well, I guess I better get back to my Criminal Minds.

Do you watch Criminal Minds or a crime show like it? If so, do you think it affects how you size up certain situations?


  1. Hey Erica, I would've been thinking "DANGER" too if that happened and I don't even watch those crime shows. Earlier this week, I had an older man (maybe 60s or early 70s) tell me that he was old enough to be my grandfather so he was allowed to flirt with me...I don't know if it was the fact that I wasn't laughing or the freaked out look on my face but he quickly realized that I didn't think he was funny. I've met a lot of older men who are maybe just trying to be friendly but it comes across as creapy!
    -Sarah M

  2. Erica,
    A couple weeks ago, I was walking home from my local starbucks. It was freezing and I was carrying tons of stuff while trying not to die on the ice. I guess I looked just as disjointed as I felt because I looked up to see a man in his thirties, staring and laughing. I glared back, saying "I wish you'd stop laughing" with my eyes, when he reached over and pulled my hat down over my ears.
    All I could think was,"that's my're in my space," but the bigger my eyes got with confusion, the more enticed he seemed to help me. He then wrapped my scarf over my chin twice and did the top button of my coat up. My original fear was now slowing melting into an uncertain appreciation for him.
    As I was still wondering if i should start screaming or something, he patted me on the shoulder and said, "take care," while sill laughing under his breath.
    I like to think the best of people, and as such I chose to believe that guy really only had positive intent...but sadly, I don't think there's anyway to know. While I think we live in a society that thrives on fear, it is also somewhat true that some of the worst people are the best at seeming harmless.

  3. wow Erica.. that is a potentially scary situation. And if I were Kristin.. i would have likely been frozen in place not knowing what to do!

    I hate that we've become a society that lives in fear.. but sometimes it's just wise.. yanno?

    you did the right thing.. and thanks for stopping to chat with him. You're cool. I love you.
