Sunday, March 13, 2011

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it to steal from a church library?

Hello everyone!

Hope you are all well. Winter is continually dragging on here in Edmonton but I hear that we are on the home stretch so that's nice. I wore a spring jacket yesterday but realized, when waiting for the bus at night, that that was a mistake even though it was only -6... My bad.

OK, so I have started going to a church that has a service on Saturday evening. So, I arrived early last night so I decided to wander the building and explore it a little. I happened upon a smallish library. I browsed the books for a bit and upon looking a little closer at the selection - I saw them.

A bit of background before I continue. A person, whom shall not be named, (to protect the rights of the innocent but actually in this case, the guilty) borrowed these particular eight books.

I give you full permission to laugh but this series is like having a coffee with an old friend. It is a lovely experience. It is called The Glenbrooke Series by Robin Jones Gunn. Now, I am a bit of a freak when it comes to book covers so I had these lovely covers from 2001. OK, so back to the original story.

I gave these books to the person whom shall not be named and alas after a summer, they were gone! I have had a wee bit of an obsession trying to find these covers but to no avail have not found them. Until that is, last night.

My eyes happened upon, these eight 2001 versions of the Glenbrooke Series. My first thought was indeed, how could I steal these? And my second was, could I buy them from the church? I don't know what that says about me...

But alas, I left that library with a smile on my face thinking to myself that I needed therapy. But I will never let go of my search until that is, they come out with better covers. Have a look for yourself. Question: Which cover do you like best? They go in order of release year (oldest-newest):


  1. I choose the first one obviously with the white picket fence!

  2. Gonna have to choose the first cover too, as the second and third scream "cheesy," and look as though they don't deserve to be read. :)
    I would totally steal it...even from a church. Churches are loaded :P.

  3. ha ha!! you're too funny, ET. first of course. the other two look embarrassingly like romance novels.
