Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bus Adventures

So, I am a bit of a rare individual in that I actually like taking the bus. I like it because you really get a pulse of a city by experiencing a whole bunch of strangers stuck in small place. There can be the weird guy who mutters to himself, the middle class mom or the many students who rely on such transportation. I miss not having access to a car but I like the bus for what it is.

Though, I will confess that there are days when I feel so claustrophobic and just want to get away from people. And this happened to me this past week. I was returning home from work and that day I wished I had a car to just get me from point A to point B. For some reason, my annoyance indicator was incredibly high.

I believe in true honesty in friendships. You know, if they have an annoying habit, I will most likely share it unless its something that they can't change or if its just plain silly. I can't think of an example right now but use your own imagination...

So, the reason I bring this up is because of this man and his friend/girlfriend/wife (whatever she was) that were on the bus this past week. I was so anxious to get off the bus that day and then this couple sat down across the aisle from me. And after about 30 seconds I heard this sound. Just imagine lips smacking together and sucking teeth. Sounds like that. Lots of saliva involved. And so I thought to myself. How in the world does this woman not hear this?? If that was my friend, I would have been like shut up - do you even hear yourself? And so for the next 10 minutes, I tried my hardest to distract myself but the more I tried that, the more I focussed on the sound. You know how it goes.

Really, any other day it wouldn't have bothered me as much but that day I was just ready to get away from a bus full of people!

Have you ever been trapped by people who annoy you that you don't know? On a train, bus, plane?

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