Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Profound Moment in an Ordinary Day

Hello all!

Near the end of the day at work today, I was sweeping in the flower cooler. One of my co-workers was in there cleaning up as well. She is moving to another department on Thursday and I asked if she was glad to move on. She turned to me and said,

"not really. If I could die, with a bucket of flowers in my hand while in this cooler, I would die a happy woman."

I didn't expect her response to impact me but it did. It made me a little jealous that she had such a passion for something and knew she would die happy doing that.

Aside from the obvious implications that she doesn't know God and is void of the real life that He offers - it made me wonder, that if I were to die doing something, what would it be? I'm not sure I can answer that right now in my life.

But let me throw it out there. What is your passion that you would die happy doing?

1 comment:

  1. i thought about that this past week.

    i'm pathetic.

    on the sand.. in the sun.. with huge waves washing over me, birds flying around.. God's creation all alive and praising all around me...

    me just laughing with joy and excitement enthralled in the moment.

    this week.. the waves were louder than my voice (rare) and I felt free to laugh with joy and glee as i played in the waves.. it was so joyous. I could have died right then.

    unfortunately.. this is not my regular life...
