Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shoot! The Tale of a Price Gun Handler

First off, thank you to all who have read and left comments! I appreciate your support and willingness to participate in this blog adventure with me.

OK, here we go.

The day started out early. I grabbed my coffee and awaited my big day at work. The previous day I learned how to cut flowers and sort them. So, I had few expectations of a super exciting day. But boy was I wrong. I was doing a different job today with another lady and this involved slightly ugly flower "jewelry". (By the way, did you know that those wrist flower things no longer just come with a white elastic band but rather some flashy bling. Crazy, eh?) But all that sold me today was the word price gun. And while I was pricing flashy bling, I was like man, why did I avoid working retail? Pricing things is crazy fun. Should have contacted Canadian Tire a long time ago.

And today I also got to see downtown Edmonton which was great. I finally have embraced that I am a city girl. I felt so relieved when I entered into the main downtown core and saw skyscrapers. It was like a little taste of home. My goal is to eventually live just slightly north of downtown Toronto. Someday...someday.

Today was a good day. And I hope yours was too!

So, has anyone ever used a price gun?


  1. Hiiiiii
    I have never used a price gun, but was immediately fascinated when I saw Tibby from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants price-stamp her own forehead. That's right, I said it...don't act like you don't know exactly what I'm referring to.
    You're the best.

  2. Erica!
    My Alberta friend...glad you have started a blog! Look forward to seeing more of you in the next few months!

  3. Bill and I wanted to register at Canadian Tire for our wedding... and were sooooo looking forward to the gun..but they weren't working the day we went in. BUMMER!!

    that said.. yes.. I have used one, and it was on oily Indonesian handicrafts ... the stickers never stuck.. very annoying.

    skyscrapers make me clausterphobic.. but i'm glad they suit you!

  4. I worked at Giant Tiger, used the gun all the time there. Did you use the sticker gun or the gun that sticks those little peices of plastic to attach a peice of cardboard? The sticker gun is way more fun. Do you sing while you work, I always did, especially when I swept the at the green house.

  5. Never actually watched Traveling Pants, Kristen! Proud to be able to say that. :)

    And yeah, it was just a sticker gun. And no, I didn't sing. I should start that up though. Good call Sonya.
