Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Terrifying Joy of The Car Wash

Hello all!

So, on my way home from work yesterday, my ride (paul) stopped to get gas and then instead of driving out of the gas station, he drove towards the car wash. I got a little excited because I hadn't been in a car wash since I was a young kid.

But as the doors opened to the car wash, I discovered the small shack that it was. Whatever happened to the long claustrophobic building with the tracks that you can't control?

So we entered in and he parked the car in the middle of this thing. And thus began this crazy one armed robot cleaning. I was completely flabbergasted. There was nothing remotely scary about this car wash. Well, except maybe when they spray the bubble gum cleaner and it covers your all car so you feel like you are in a colourful snow bank. I had to concentrate on breathing then so I didn't get a little claustrophobic.

All I could think of was, where were those large swishing mop things that made your car go dark? The crazy vacuum boards that ran all over your car?

All these were gone and replaced by a one armed robot. And before I knew it, I saw a childhood memory become just that. A memory. I felt a little sad for the new generation that would never know the complete terror and joy of the car wash.

Do you have any memories of going through the car wash as a child?

1 comment:

  1. hey Erica, I used to have the same excitement and fear over those car washes! My sister and I used to pretend that we were on a boat in the middle of a storm...the red rubber washer things meant it was day and the black ones meant it was night...or maybe the red ones were lightning? I don't remember but it was a relief to see the dryer at the end and finally sunlight...that meant the storm was over. LOL, yes I was a strange child!!! - Sarah M
