Thursday, June 16, 2011

Free Ride?

Hello all,

So, I have been working super early this week. On Monday I started at 5am and then for the rest of the week at 7am. Except this morning, I started at 6am. So, I had to walk about 15-20 minutes to get to my bus because the bus near my house doesn't run that early.

So, it was a rainy day today and I was just exhausted from the long days this week. Having to get up at 4 am and walking in the rain didn't help either. Anyway, I get to the bus depot and wait for my bus to arrive at 5:30am. As I wait I put my bus ticket in my pocket so its ready to be given to the bus driver.

So, the bus arrives but the sign on the bus is wrong. So, as I step onto the bus, I ask the driver if this is the number 7 which he says yes. So, I walk towards the back of the bus and sit down. I sip my coffee trying to get the caffeine in my system and stare blankly into space.

Halfway to work, I reach in my pocket to get my phone and I feel a piece a paper. It is at that point that I realize that I did not pay for my ride. So, here I am left with a decision. I can either:
a) go to the front of the bus and give the bus driver my ticket
b) forget about it

I chose option b. I felt like God was frowning down on me. But come on a free ride on the bus? I squared it off in my mind later in the day when I remembered the time that I lost a bus ticket in the wind. So, there we go - the transit system owed me. Right?

Maybe it was wrong. Maybe I just shouldn't take the bus at 5:30 in the morning. Who knows.

What would you have done? Honestly.

1 comment:

  1. i probably would have done the same but would have kept it a secret in fear that the public transit gestapo would find me out.

    in all seriousness though, i know what you mean about feeling like God was frowning down on you... but to encourage you, at least you had a bit of a struggle and recognized that you should have paid. maybe next time you will :)
