Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Prayer for Transition

Hello all!

So, this post will draw a more serious tone but I wanted to share something with you. I was introduced to this great book called Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Common Radicals. It basically includes daily morning/evening prayers, special event prayers, etc. I have included it in my daily morning routine and it is amazing to know that there may be many other people around the world praying the same prayer.

As I posted before, I said that I am moving back to Toronto after being in Edmonton for 6 months. As with every transition, there is a certain level of anxiety and fear. But it is with those times that I experience a more heightened level of intimacy with God. I wish it didn't take times like these for me to be more intimate with God but alas, I am learning.

As I was thinking about moving back to Toronto this past weekend, I went to my book of Common Prayer and reread my favourite prayer for transitions. I would like to share it with you and also include a link to a song by Chris Tomlin that has also been an incredible song to sing very loudly and out of tune in my bedroom alone! (I highly recommend that). So, here you go. I hope if you are going through a transition or a tough time that you will find solace in the words in the prayer and the song.

"Lord, help me now to unclutter my life, to organize myself in the directions of simplicity. Lord, teach me to listen to my heart; teach me to welcome change instead of fearing it. Lord, I give you these stirrings inside me. I give you my discontent. I give you my restlessness. I give you my doubt. I give you my despair. I give you all the longings I hold inside. Help me to listen to these signs of change, of growth; help me to listen seriously and follow where they lead through the breathtaking empty space of an open door."

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